Tuesday, April 10, 2007

500 Things to always remember as a Hunter.

1. There is always a new trick to learn, a new tactic to try, and another method for being effective.

2.Trap first ask questions later.
3. You can dismiss your pet in combat before feigning death so it doesn't get killed during a wipe.
4. Even the level 6 mobs in elwynn forest can daze you if you get too close with cheetah on while chasing down a member of the opposite faction.
5. The Fel Reaver is a douche.
6. Whenever a multishot breaks a sheep, it's always the mage's fault for sheeping too close to where you are multishotting.
7. Ignore scrub forum trolls.
8. (obvious but some people still don't do it) weave steady shot.
9. Just because we can wear mail doesn't mean we have to.
10. Dismiss pet when jumping from high level to a lower level so that pet doesn't run the path, aggroing mobs and pissing off party members.
11. find the "trap cooldown sweetspot" and try to stay there
12. wyvern sting/trap + FD + mount are your best friends for avoiding a fight
13. fishing and cooking are incredible money-savers
14. Use cheap ammo when you're farming
15. mail ammo to your alt and then mail it back- reload at the mailbox
16. Feign too early in a wipe = angry group / feign too late = dead hunter
17. Learn when to feign, when to get up from it, and when to stay down!

18. When you scatter shot and ice a rouge in pvp, remember to hunters mark and put a flare on top of him to prevent a vanish after your aimed shot goes off
9. You can pull a caster into your trap with silencing shot.
10. To misdirect the tank. Every time misdirect is up in a boss fight.
11. Unless someone is being a PITA, then you can just MD them instead, its OK.
12. The gold wasted speccing full survival is worth being able to triple snake trap someone.
13. despite what you might think, misdirect is best used on that dpser that spends the entire raid complaining about having a hunter (while you're trapping and kiting)
14. the best way to beat another hunter isnt always a ranged fight battle.
15. Scatter Shot - Wyvern Sting - Aimed Shot is as much fun as it sounds.
16. Jump-shots are an essential skill to kiting
17. Now that your attack auto switches to melee within 8 yards....spam escape when the mob hits your trap!
18. the /lick emote should always be used when aimed shotting a silly mage in your ice trap
19. Most healers will try to keep you alive if you're the only one in the group that bothers to stop dpsing to save him.
20. autoshot timers tell you when it's time to stop moving and fire in BG
21. you can fire 4 shots in less than 2 seconds steady, multi, auto, arcane (or a sting)
22. Aimed shot is for great gankage
23. Even though all dwarfs look alike, when using misdirect don't pick the dwarf hunter to target instead of the dwarf warrior.
14. There are a lot of really bad Hunters and a few really good Hunters. Bad Hunters can break a raid but good Hunters can make a raid. Good players of all classes know the difference.
15. Low level arcane shot (rank 1, etc.) has its uses at high levels: not as much damage per shot, but VERY mana-efficient.

16. If you're a hunter and you can read a bumper sticker on you're opponent, than you're fighting too close (though at least you're fighting him/her/it from behind ;-)
17. Strength is only slightly more useful for a hunter than it is for a mage, warlock, or priest ((some positive #>0) * 0 still = 0)
18. Raptor strike might be the melee ability that does the most damage for you, but wing clip is the most damaging
19. You will have to do some melee, at some point, to raise your weapon skill to the max; but consider it a necessary evil (spamming wing clip with none landing FTL)
20. The ability to train Dash and Claw/Gore make for good pets.
21. Instance = Passive, Questing = Defensive, BGs = Aggressive.
22. When in doubt, it's Passive.
23. Distracting shot won't break Freezing Trap.
24. Hunter's Mark signals imminent doom.
25. You can't equip shields, maces or wands but you should probably roll for them anyway.

26. shot rotations are an art, not a science.
kiting is an art not a science.
pulling is an art not a science.

Moral of the story: you have to learn to play, not think you can do X then Y and it works all the time. Even getting a new ranged weapon will force you to change strategies. This means you need a spec that fits your play style, and that some things may work for you that is a horrible ideas for others.

27. Combat Experience, however, is always a bad idea.

28. Be aware of your surroundings. Half the time your the only one between kiting the mob to death and being the last mand stainding on a wipe, or saving the healers live with a well timed SS or wyvern sting. and make a freaking macro for wyvern Sting too...too many people still dont know WTF it is. (DOH WHY IZ HE SLEPIN??@@ I @##%ing wyvenr stung him...now dont hit him! "pokes sleeping mob' tard.)

29. Aspect of monkey + Deterrance + SV build + Deflection = about as good a hunter tank as you're ever going to @##%ing get. No, there is NO hunter tank build. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO. ONLY tank if warrior/druid/pally AND rogue are dead, then pop yo !@*@ and show them you're neo impersonation.
30. BG's find the hiding spots. Use your range to your advantage. If you dont, and you go toe to toe with people all the time, you are a @##%ING MORON. 3 melee atks vs a whole bar. yeah.
31. Other than that, keep your head up, eyes open, mark the tanks target and kill that. You should be the one that see's everything first, cause you can do the most about 90% of the crap that happens.

32. Hunters: The easiest class to play. The hardest class to master.

Original Post

I took the liberty of coping & pasting what was on the first 4 pages, at which time i stopped reading them.

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