Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Sap n Trap

So after many weeks of my arena team, switching out people, cycling through classes. So i gave away my soon to be failing 1178 rated 2v2 team. RIP. Fourty Seven. .. I'ts been hard fighting with the 2 rogues that both need to maintain 30% of played games, when im focused on PvP to get my arena gear. So we decided to start a 3v3 to kinda of balence it out a bit. 2 rogues & a hunter. Should be interesting. I took back the 2v2 and still going to do so with my partner in crime but also added in second rogue friend for those many nights when she doesnt want to arena.

She is focused on raiding. I am focused on obtaining my gear via the Arena. Although i did get attuned as my guild asked, and now are going to be expected to raid but since our guild raids are first come first serve, i as a Hunter may never see the lights of Karazhan. So always a dilema. I want to Pvp. I dont find any fun/enjoyment/ or worth in doing the same thing 5 days a week, for 6 hours a night - after ive worked all day. Seems like wow would become a second job. Only it would be a job im paying to keep instead of getting paid to do.

I wonder if anyone else feels that way.

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