Sunday, April 29, 2007

Revenge Of The Alts: Part Deux.

So. In a most facinating decision, I've decided to put Finne on the back burner and concentrate on two of my alts for a while. So Bleach & Pixels - my druid tailor bot, and rogue are up for bat. I have soo much fun playing the rogue, never as much fun as my hunter but reeeeaaally close.

I had stopped playing Bleach (Druid) as soon as i got her to 36 so she could have tailoring 300. She was full resto, imo, the way all Druids should be but it was extremly hard to do anything without a group or getting just a run through various instances. I played fully 98% of her levels... Well i jumped on the bandwagon yesterday and speced Full Feral so i could have a chance to actually level her. So now i just need to concentrate on getting her to around 39 is for twinkdom healing. She really was just a tailor bot but i had a fun time playing her and now im interested again. Im really not ready to taking on full 5 day raiding with my guild. I dont want to fuck up my arena rating so im going to playing just bare minium on my Hunter to get the points untill I have enough Arena points for a few peices of the arena set. Than I'll start raiding more when i can actually be of some use over the half purple players of the guild.

A little bit more about my rogue; Who untill last free rogue respec patch was full Assassination spec with the exception of Master of Deception. I did put some points into subtlety for improved sap. If i read correctly though, next patch all rogues will just get improved sap, (and possibly a respec) - soo now im actually looking into the Combat spec tree. Im going to also add my two main alts to the side part for their amory profiles. I just had a really fun time playing her recently. I got 3 levels in 2 days and just had a blast. So im going to see if I can get my partner in crime to play her 27 mage some more and so we can quest togeather like for real and not just main run throughs. It took me a few minutes to get back to playing the rogue since my last long winded urge to level her. Its looking up and I think i might make her a 29 twink. I havent decided but IF i get another main to 70 it would be the rogue and she would be straight PVP. OOOHHH yeah. I broke her PVP virginity this weekend with a nice first 31 HK Arathi Basin becuase its that BG weekend and double points is always something im interested in. So yeah, thats my wow update. Its been a few days since i had anything to say. Just having a blast and glad that ive found a new found bravery to play wow alot again.

Happy Trails in Azeroth!!

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