Wednesday, May 2, 2007

My First Trip to Karazhan.

Yesterday was my "wow" day, and I decided to go to the Kara raid with the guild. It would be my first time actually raiding with them, and my first time raiding Kara. I was a bit afraid at the beginning to ask for the invite, afraid that I would mess up. I know my guild can handle all of the pulls and the instance because they raid it 5 nights a week so I didn't want to be "that" person. I originally sent my "@" and joined the raid. I left after taking a look at the group and seeing that no healers had joined yet, or at least any priests, I left. I told /g that I would go another time. My guild leader insisted that I can go. So i joined back.. now the 11Th person for the 10 man raid. So i opted to leave again.. A few minutes later I get a tell from him telling him to "@" him again. I was in the raid :)

It was a lot easier than I had expected, but just as pretty as I had imagined. My GM was an awesome raid leader, giving clear instructions, noting each pull, explaining what everyone was to do. We down the first boss no problem, Attun the Huntsman & Midnight. Second Boss, Moroes and his party of adds also went pretty well. I think only 2 people died the entire fight and we had to reset it 2 times before we completed it. We moved on and cleared out more trash mobs. We were a few hours into the raid I believe by the time we got to the Opera event. One i really truly enjoyed.. another tank & spank fight. It was funny to see everyone running around as riding hood. I decided to take a SS since it was cute. It really was amusing and I had alot of fun with it. While we were doing this event .. my GM announced that we would have a break after we downed maiden and that our, main goal today was to down Curator. It was about 9:30 and we had been in the raid now about 2 hours. I have to mention. MY GOODNESS the time flies even faster when you are raiding! I use to complain about how long i would just wait around for a group and about how it was the biggest waste of time, when i noticed I *had* spent an entire hour just "waiting" around. Last night, before I knew it was almost 11pm.

Drops - With the exception of The Druid Leather, and Fist Weapon from The Big Bad Wolf, everything seemed to be for casters. Most of it was sharded; I believe that 2 pieces were given away to the highest DKP bidders. In a way, being my first raid im glad that nothing i needed dropped because i didn't have any DKP and so I could of bid default and gone negative 10 but i don't want to have a deficit anyways. We got to Maiden and she was easy peasy. ...No one died and it went smoothly. - We got to take a 10- minutes break which was nice because i really wanted to eat my dinner in peace instead of just picking at it while I depending on Auto Shot.

The only downside is i was pret-ty low on the damage meter. I'm still getting used to watching KTM, the party, the mob and listening to directions and watching for switching targets. I'm very proud and impressed with how well my GM lead his raid. So kudos to him!! The rest of the raid went fine.. we called it about 11:00. People had to leave, and there was a really bad thunderstorm in a bunch of the raid peoples neighbor hood which was being a little bastard to their connection and power.

Afterwards I think I did the right thing, I thanked my Gm for giving me the opportunity to raid with them. I thanked him for doing a wonderful job leading us to completion. Since our guild is first come first serve for raiding; I hope that I will get another chance to go with them. I was lucky last night because they started later they they normally do and I was actually home from work and ready to go. I don't know how *often* I will send for an invite because although I did have fun, it was kind of boring to me. It was just a long slower moving instance, and I was under the impression that It might be fun, which it was but not really all that fun.

I prefer PvP to PvE. Always have, always will. So I will stick to that for now, raiding when I have a chance or when I really want to waste a few hours.

Atleastwe managed to go the entire raid without wiping, which was a change even from 5 man pug instancing.

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