Sunday, May 13, 2007

...a day late and a dollar short.

I have been super SUPER busy with IRL (... stupid work) I havent done much. Mainly leveling ALT tradeskills and making money with them. I did have a very fun time doing a short chain quest in Netherstorm. The chain starts here "Help Mama Wheeler". Its a short 7 chain quest that takes about 15 minutes total to complete as far as running around. You need to kill a few mobs in some areas to get the points that you need. The end result though is novelity, but funtional X-52 Rocket Helmet! Its shoots you up into the air and you get safe fall for a few seconds while you slowly decend back to Outlands. It has a 30 minute cool down and can not be used in the arena. I havent tried it out in any of the BG's but I dont see any reason why it wouldnt, and people say that it does work. Im in love with the "fluff" and "novelity" items in the game. If you have the time, and are in the area... I suggest you do this quest.. You get to control a mini Fel Reaver to Kill Negatron which was way cool for me. There are two "group" parts to the chain, both in which I was able to Solo.

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