Monday, June 11, 2007

More Dots..

So what has Finnegaol been up to you ask? Alot and so little. mmhmm That sounds about right.
Let us see.

  • Got Revered with Cenarion Expedition, bought Heroic Coilfang Key.
  • Downed Gruul with guild for the first time, not the first time for our guild though.
  • Spent 16800 Honor on General's Chain Sabatons along with 40 EoTS tokens.
  • Completed Quest for Illidari Trophy Tabard.
  • Looted Sonic Spear on 3rd Shadow Labs run.
  • Got said epic Boots enchanted with Dexterity Enchant
  • Finshed just about all quests in Blade's Edge Mountains
  • Looted & Vendor'd Beast Lord's Leggings. pffft
  • Respec'd from 2/50/9 to 4/49/8

Hopelessly looking for someone to enchant my spear with savagery.. I should of took it for the 5g. I had to hassle with the man, dont feel like waiting for my GM to get around to it. Tomorrow, my arena epic shoulder for sure. Yay.

I also turned into a Draeni man for a quest.. Heres some pictures to add to the photo album for this week.
Ps. I must add that Gruul sounds like he is having entirely too much fun with us killing him.
He is somewhat orgasmic and made me LOL the entire time we were killing him. LAWL.

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