Thursday, June 28, 2007

Phat lewt & Epix.

It is entirely too early for me to go through my screenshots to see which one I want to put up for this post, probably a new portrait but who knows. Ill do that later.. mabye.
This post?? I got new Epics. My first Karazhan run with Mordant, and I get both Lewts from Attumen!

/drum roll

Im not really sure If i like the bow so much, but it matches my Sonic Spear.
I was invited to do Chess Event today, but since the boots that drop for a hunter dont have anything on my Marshall Chain boots, I decided to pass for another hunter. Its the thought that counts though. Sunfury bow dropped on tonites raid, which I did not go, but our Hunter Class Leader finally got his bow and Im sure he was excited.

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