Thursday, April 10, 2008

Quick Karazhan Clear

Did just about all of my dailies today, except for those of the Shatterd Sun. Took alot of video of some pve stuff too. So ill have some footage to upload this weekend, which is always fun. Got invited into a guild kara run to gear a pally whos just respecd, and of course for badges. I got 11 badges before I had to log for the night. Also got alot of cooking done too!!

Tomorrow Ill do the island dailies, and mabye even netherwing. Ive finally figured out what rep I need for a few different factions. & I've figured out all of my in the near future upgrades.

Mabye I can catch a few heroics tomorrow or over the weekend, to get some more badges. Would also like to actually complete a Heroic Magisters Terrace run too. I'm going to track my progression to the current end game raids as well!

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