Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Loque'nahak is MINE.

Hooray Finnegaol! /rejoice . Yesterday evening, just after 9:30pm Eastern Time. I was headed to a fishing destination before logging for the night when I had a feeling just to go a bit out of the way and check a spawn point for Loque in S. Basin. Well to my surprise he SPAWNED right in front of my eyes! I couldn't believe it, I targeted him, dropped off my mount from the air, tagged him, set a trap, hit tame, all while being beaten on my a gorilla and screaming my head off IRL.

I was ELATED. I had only camped him about 2 hours over the past weekend since I finally leveled 76. I wasn't planning on moving my toon from that zone until I had him. Thank my LUCKY STARS, that now I was able to get him and can move on. I will for sure, get Cata before the month is over. I just had to run around Dalarn for another few hours just to parade him around.

Now comes the hard part, I need to name him. I am leaning towards "Promise." It's one of my favorite words alone with, Maybe, Likewise, Bleach, Briny, which all do not fit for a king like my spirit beast.

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