Sunday, May 27, 2007

All the small things

First off. I was right :) It was patch day. I havent been on WoW for more than an hour this entire work. I had an accident at work and both my right arm and leg are in casts. Its hard to type. Going to need to fight for those 10 arena games this week, and even harder to win as a cripple.

I did need to log in and do my "Childrens Week" quests. I was impressed to see the addition of Draeni & Bloodelf childrens. How adorable! I had the honor of running around my human to the 5 different attractions in Azeroth again.

I also had a fun time running around with my little Draeni kid too
5 different places throughout "Outlands". I got two new fluffy pets out of the ordeal as well. Speedy, and Egbert. =) I didnt take screenshots of them.

Im very excited about the skinning duration times, and the amount of leather awarded from each animal. I had to try that out and did so for a while.

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