Sunday, May 27, 2007

A peek into the past of Finnegaol.

On another note. I was going through some OLLLD screenshots in my photobucket account. WOW!! I found a screen shot of Finnegaol as a wee 20/30 something from well over 2 years ago. I rememeber WHY i took this screenshot, it was because i was in love fascinated with the "green leather armor" and how pretty it looked! I wore it for a verrrry long time. This is also, remember AT LAUNCH.. before Thottbot, WoWhead, and the like. In fact the only sites I can remember were a budding WoW Allakhazam - Which i had relied on for my previous MMO; Dark Age of Camelot.. and the IGN site.

Actually, after looking at the fine print (aka. filename) It looks as if she was Level 32 and I had made this for a LiveJournal posting. Its pretty sweet to find gems like that. How far, she's come.. How long its been.. How many days, hours, and minutes Ive invested into this game. How many dollars, Ive spent.. :/ Now, im reallly bad in math but i believe its been about 30 months @ rounded up to 15$/mo = about 450 bucks. I add that 50 bucks for the game, 120 for the expansion and than the collectors edition since I couldnt wait for shipment - the first month which was free and give or take some free days Blizzard gave within the first few months for downtime and Ive spent around $600 over two+ years.. Not bad? heh Im not really sure =) I havent even factored in days that I stayed home from work to play..

Speaking of which, I still HAVENT seen the new arena map.. I will make sure I get those games in tonite if my partner is feeling up to it, becuase afterall she did work 13 hours today. Ill have to wait to see how she feels when she gets home tonite.

< ---- Heres the newest picture of Finne. This was taken just after patch 2.1 went live inbetween server restarts, before server shutdow - It shows off the NEW Terokk's Quill Graphic. YOU can see the original graphic on the top left hand portrait. Neat huh?

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