Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Where, oh where, have my epics gone?

It is just the worst when you wake up early, sign in and fly all the way over to area 52 just to realize that you are 300 points to short for your newest epic.. I was so looking forward to that peice today. Oh well just one more week for this hunter. Since I am going to be out of work for 2 weeks due to an injury, Ill be able to get a whole lot of Karazhan raiding in this week. So mabye I will get an epic after all. For now im going to save that energy for 2 hours and get on just in time to @ the raid leader. nice.

I finally got to see the new arena map last night too, while squeezing in our 11 games, with an average of 10 minute que wait time. The Ruins of Lordaeron is an inside map which looks similar to something you would find in Stratholme. I dont really like it all that much, and still prefer the Nagrand Arena and now after being in the Ruins, i seem to even like the Blade's Edge arena a bit more. Ugh! Im sure I will get used to it, but it seems as though we got placed into that arena map alot more than the others. There are ALOT of line of site issues and not a lot of room for a hunter to run around and be comfortable. We ended with 8 wins 3 losses which isnt all that bad. Gogogo Team Fourty Seven. I did however forget to run my game cam so tonite hopefully depening on how Kara goes, ill try and make a video of the new map to post.

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