Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Loque'nahak is MINE.

Hooray Finnegaol! /rejoice . Yesterday evening, just after 9:30pm Eastern Time. I was headed to a fishing destination before logging for the night when I had a feeling just to go a bit out of the way and check a spawn point for Loque in S. Basin. Well to my surprise he SPAWNED right in front of my eyes! I couldn't believe it, I targeted him, dropped off my mount from the air, tagged him, set a trap, hit tame, all while being beaten on my a gorilla and screaming my head off IRL.

I was ELATED. I had only camped him about 2 hours over the past weekend since I finally leveled 76. I wasn't planning on moving my toon from that zone until I had him. Thank my LUCKY STARS, that now I was able to get him and can move on. I will for sure, get Cata before the month is over. I just had to run around Dalarn for another few hours just to parade him around.

Now comes the hard part, I need to name him. I am leaning towards "Promise." It's one of my favorite words alone with, Maybe, Likewise, Bleach, Briny, which all do not fit for a king like my spirit beast.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Taming Pank

A hunters guilt in the world of warcraft.

Just getting used to this MM/BM dual spec stuff and so I am re-evaulating my needs being a solo player as far as my hunting companinon pet is concerned. A story for your enjoyment.

I tamed a cute cuddly polar bear a few weeks ago and then horrified... watched him eat his cub afterward. O__O. Yeah. So when I had to free him to get a shiny new glowing blue dog, I was quite worried about having to find another pet-friend to tank. Fact is, that was self induced guilt trip #1 because I just wanted to stable the dog anyway.

As a marksman hunter I mainly used my DPS kitty, Peek, whom I've had for 5 years. He used to be an all white cat, which I adored but sadly suffered a skin change after some random patch. (REAL FUNNY BLIZZ! D: ) I never really felt a need for another kind pet given my spec and playing conditions, especially a tank pet because my main objective was to kill kill kill and do it fast. I was high-end raiding mostly and doing dungeon runs to level. I was hardly questing or solo PVEing.

Anyway, I once trained a polar bear.. a long time ago - the first time I encountrered one. For whatever reasons I had to set him free. I don't like to use the term abandon because it makes my feel even more guilty. I was super excited when I found myself among the same polar bears a few days later because this time I had a plan of action.

Freeze trapped the bear, tamed him, and then scared beastie his cub away, put bear on passive, and then ran like the dickens!

Pank is now my new best friend when out questing in my BM spec. He can tank better than any warrior I know ;), plus he's under my command and is pro at keeping aggro/focus. I was able to go back and solo 4 elite mobs a level or two higher than me at the time without issue to complete quests with the aid of Pank's mad skills. Yup Yup.

I'm still wondering what happened to the baby cub, and feel bad for leaving him out in the cold. <---Pun - LOL.

The moral of the story, despite knowing that the block of pixels on my screen actually means NOTHING, and no I do not have some weird emotional attachement to the game, or the pets, and I am not some weird role-player, I am however - a girl, and human - so for some reason still feel slightly guilty for actions that I make in the game. It's hard to explain because it's not "real" emotions that I feel in tangible life, but for a split second it's as if my brain isn't aware that I am playing a video game and chooses to envoke feelings of guilt. ;)

I wonder if I am alone in this.

I'm baaaaaaaaaaack!

I just recently re-activated my account a mere few days after the release of Cataclysm. There has been so many changes since I last played that I am still catching up.

First, no more ammo needed for hunters? Um hello! Now can we please be reimbursed for all of those arrows that we required over the years. :D Seriously though, what a nice surprise. I also recently discovered that you no longer need to carry around flint & simple wood to start campfires. This is bittersweet to me because I am beyond nerdy and like having to re-up my wood and I do an awful lot of cooking (and selling) in game. I like 2 more free bag slots though :)

Quest tracking! It's insane. It's like auto-pilot, easy mode, win button, etc. I LOVE the fact that all of the quests appear on the map. I love the highlighted areas, everything. It just makes questing so much easier and less tedious. That feature ALONE is what has renewed my biggest interest in the game. I am still trying to catch up from quitting at level 74 years ago. I am now trying to convince my husband to please give WOW another shot, but he's not budging... yet.

I almost forgot - Removed the Hunter's mana pool and replace it with a highly regenerate "focus" pool. OH MY GOODNESS!
I've always felt that we Hunters got the shaft having to carry around a quiver full of arrows, and water for mana, plus all of our other goodies. I should of been paying attention to all of this while I was not playing, I may have come back sooner.

Being able to switch to either of the dual specs at any given moment, as many times as I want. This solves so many issues of wanting to be able to RAID, PVP, & PVE solo. Thank you Blizzard, my hats off to you!

5 hunter pets to call at any given time.


PS. I just put the armory on my iPhone and must say that Blizzard did an EXCELLENT job on it! I would expect nothing less, but in all honesty - great features. I just wish I could see my Pets and their stats too!

PPS. This post couldn't be ALL positive right? There is a downside to coming back after quitting. All of my friends are gone. My guild is gone. Greens are showing better replacement's for my Epics and I have no idea where anything is anymore!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I haven't uploaded my blog in a while. Probably since I canceled my account months and months ago. I don't miss it yet. I am back playing City of Heroes.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Figureprint - Finnegaol

My Figureprint arrived today safe & sound. I got an invite to get one, while my account was cancelled. I reactivaed for the month of July-August so I could find some sexah armor to equip on Finnegaol for the print. This is just amazing artistry! Now all of those days /played proves that this game existed and I have something to show for all of that time , years from now.

Honestly, Figureprints FTFW!

There's lots more pictures on my flickr account if you click the picture :)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Well, I haven't been on very much lately. I have, again, losing intrest in WoW. I've been mainly concentrating on my Warlock, Pennyroyal who is now 56 (or really close)! Randomly I thought of my collection of pets, and how it would be a fine time to grind to get the rest of them.. So I went to UBRS and completed the quest for the Worg Pup and got him! I had already done the spider hatching like years ago, thank goodness. So I have been running around with him all night!

With the exception of the whelpings that I've always wanted, I decided to grind some new ones. The Disgusting Oozeling & the new Firefly that they put in a few patches ago!

Another weird thing in wow I do, is collect other things. Such as all of the little "fun" grey items that can be pick-pocketed, fished up, or collected durning PVP. I took screen shots of all of the things I have in my collection bank (Think The Little Mermaid!) so I could post them for archiving. While doing that since I was organizing and removing old bank stuff I no longer need, I took SS's of all of my bank stuff to post as well! It was just the stuff in my two personal guild banks, not my toon's banks. I've had my guild PwnStarz about 2+ years now, and since I disbanded it over a year ago, I've still kept my alts in it.

More recently, I founded "Guild Drama" as an alt leveling guild for my Warlock and my RL friends, and close WoW friends of theirs. So I had 2 tabs on that bank, and bought a THIRD bank tab for my original guild "PwnStarz", just like in real life -- I am a pack rat!!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Children's Week

Here's a nice little screen shot of my new toys. War Elekk mount I got last week, and "Peanut" was the reward was my choice this year for the Children's week reward from the Shattrath Orphanage. It's so much easier to do the Burning Crusade side of it becuase of epic flying. Having to wait around for flight paths is teh suck. I had the pleasure of taking Dornaa around to see the sites in Nagrand, Terokkar, Exodar, & Hellfire Penn. I made a pretty little photoshop picture of Her and the "present" that she gave me for taking her around. :) It made me smile just a tad inside . In other words, the guild has not been doing so well. I'm not sure If I posted about it before. It seems we lost just like 3 or 4 people out of the 113 enlisted and it has been increasingly hard to raid recently.

I also made this short video of me & peanut running around Azeroth & Outlands.. Kinda like a Children's week sight seeing for Elekks! Check it out.